It's Time to Address California's Commercial Property Crime Epidemic

Break-ins, vandalism, and property theft have become far too common in California. Similar to the retail crime epidemic, commercial, manufacturing, and industrial property crime has snowball effects of financial loss, disruption to operations, and threats to employees which erode the sense of safety and well-being for communities throughout the state. Policymakers must take action to improve public safety.

At Californians for Public Safety, we are committed to implementing smart solutions that address the state's commercial property crime epidemic and keep employees, businesses and consumers safe. Whether you're a concerned citizen, a business owner, or a community leader, your involvement is crucial.

Join us in our mission to make California a safer place for everyone. Together, we can create a more secure environment for businesses, employees, and the communities in the great state we call home.
Our Partners

Californians for Public Safety is a coalition of business owners, community leaders and everyday citizens.

Our priorities are:
1. Reducing bureaucratic hurdles
2. Strengthening relationships
3. Promoting prevention


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